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Utfodring och hälsa
Pavo SpeediBeet:
Pavo SpeediBeet is a high quality roughage that supports the intestinal health. It is made of desugared flakes of sugar beet pulp and contains no additives, which means no added molasses either. The flakes are subject to a patented cooking process, resulting in a product which can be soaked quickly - 10 minutes - in both hot and cold water. Convenient, handy and healthy for all horses.
Utfodring och hälsa
Teeth of a senior horse
A horses body starts to change after approximately 18 years of age. The digestive system becomes less efficient, nutrients are not as easily digested and absorbed. Also dental problems may arise.Veterinarian Gepco van Bokhorst tells how you can recognize dental problems and what you can do about it. You can’t prevent your horse getting older, but you can determine how he or she is going to age.
Utfodring och hälsa
Recognize the signs of an aging horse
A horses body starts to change after approximately 18 years of age. IJsbrand Muller van Stichting De Paardenkamp talks about the changes and care of a senior horse. You can’t prevent your horse getting older, but you can determine how he or she is going to age.